Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Finest Cigars from Nicaragua

{Lake Nicaragua}
Chamuco Cigars is a Nicaraguan cigar manufacturer, which means you can enjoy aged cigars from this small Central American country whether you live in Philadelphia, San Diego or another U.S. city.
Some of the finest cigars on the globe have been coming from fields in Nicaragua, particularly from Esteli, the capital of Nicaraguan cigar production. With a population of around 100,000, this northern town is chiefly supported by the tobacco and coffee industries. Located further north, the Condega valley is also home to tobacco fields and factories. The Jalapa valley, nestled against the Honduran border, is another hotspot for tobacco in Nicaragua. The moist microclimate of this remote valley has spawned comparisons to Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo. Commonly used for filler, the growth in Esteli is stronger than Jalapa leaf, which is sweeter and often used for wrapper.
Check out this post on Chamuco’s Black Magic Cigars and stay tuned for more about our blends and the finer things in life!

{Photo Credit: Eric Molena}

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